Fatiha Morchid
Aakhiro attariqi awaaluhu
(The End of the Road the Beginning)
Arab cultural center, Beirut /Casablanca 2009.
A poem from the book :
Diary of sorrow at Jeddah
To the spirit of my father who will never die
On the shore of the Red Sea
The tail of my black cloak brushes away
Remains of a sandstorm
while the veil refuses to sit
On the forehead that you wished
And bare
like the noontime sun
A passerby says
“Cover your head, female ”
I said:
I buried my only covering in your land
And spread out my soul
To the wind
At the break of a dawn
Which came unexpected
Between two death rattles
And two heartaches
I land
Like a sorrowful seagull
At the Jeddah airport
The customs officer asks
Who’s in charge of you, female?
I said to myself
No one but me
Ever took me in charge
I rush
Like a fugitive
Towards the military hospital
Where patience
Is the only weapon
The night silence
Rebounds like pain
Peaceful you lie
Amid war veterans
For a truce
Between here and there
Both of us suspended
From the pulse lapels
While silence around us counts
Our breaths
after breath
Can a miracle
Breathe into my womb
And birth you again
O father
On the bed of ordeals
I fumble through your few hairs
You whoonce
Caressed my childhood
With silk fingertips
You open an eye
Onto the void
Do you remember me?
Does my feverish tremor
As I kiss your hands
Give you warmth?
I read “Surat Maryam”
over you
You, for whom women
Died of love
And begin
To tell our story together
May « The reminder
Benefits the believers »
while I massage the feet
In whose foosteps
I walked
The Asian nurse comes in
Wrapped in a white veil
On a fake smile
We exchange
Looks burdened
With the question of being
She apologizes for the inconvenience
Reveal the intimacy of love
I look at you
And the first time I see you
Except for the pride of pain
How cruel am I !
Can science be a shield
Against your bashfulness?
Don’t feel shame
I will forget every groan of your body
Once you get up
You will wear
Your white djellaba
And I will trill
O bridegroom of Jeddah
When you rise
We will scorn
And we will
We will..
We will..
And fate will
Scorn us
On the shore of the Red Sea
The salt in my sweat splits
The waves of my body
Death is chilly
And not a hand
To gather the beads of the necklace
That out of extreme solitude
Fell apart
On the shore of the Red Sea
Cellphones ring
Cellphones dance
Sandals falling like armies
And captives handcuffed
In gold bracelets
As for me
I broke my chains
The day I was born
And turned my shroud
Into white sheets of paper
How can letters
Stand upright after you
When inside your prison
My words broke free
On the shore of the Red Sea
No waves
No sailors
No ebb
No flow
Just lakes silent
Like faces under a veil
Women look from behind the black
Men see what’s behind the black
But I who am free
Of all affiliation
How dare the desert
Provoke me
When in every grain of sand
I have a poem of lament?
Is one single death enough
To bury memory?
And when did snow ever heal
The cracks of a mountain?
Our Secret downpour
sweeps us away
While the soil falls short
of silencing
our echo
of commiting life
The grave
Has doors that are closed
And others
That alone
On the shore of the Red Sea
The tail of my black cloak brushes away
Remains of sandstorm
And I
Like orphans
Drag along my bare feet
A passerby says:
“Make yourself decent, Female ”
I said:
Leave my sins alone
I assume them
And share generously
With those God is pleased with
At sunset
I land like a wreckage
At the Casablanca airport
My legacy from you:
A full denture
And insulin injections
Woe to them
They stole
Your return ticket
And passport
Like an ear of corn
Visited by dew
At the harvest hour
I take one last sip
And without apology
I beg the sky
For a final sin
From my deep dark memory
Your countenance shines forth like sunrise
And takes me back
To the cosy womb
where your daily things
Are sacred rituals
And I
The grateful
Righteous nun
That you remain my sin
And I the sinner
You haunt
Every path I take
As if you were its destination
A « Fatiha » you set me up
So why did you close the book?
All the women inside of me
Mourn you
And all the men I loved in you
Became orphans
On the shore of the Red Sea
I saw you off as befits a « Morchid »
And sang with children
Who lightheartedly
carried your coffin:
There’s no death but the death of love
My father will never die.
Jeddah, February 2006