Fatiha Morchid

Ta’ala Numtir (Let’s rain)



First edition, Dar Sharquiat, Cairo 2006.




Second edition in both languages, Arabic and English, translated by Norddine Zouitni, Marsam Publications, Rabat, 2014. (see translated Books)



Poem from the book :


Teach me the night


Teach me the night

So that I wear my pain

With elegance
And with my high heel suffocate
Autumn’s last breath

Teach me the night

So that I knock
On time’s empty vessel
And get fresh water
From the desert’s mouth

Teach me the night

So that I listen
To clay particles

Being repaired
In my body

Teach me the night

So that I dance with ghosts
That terrify me
And sleep
On their fatigue


Teach me the night

So that I set up of my nightdress

A throne for you
And fall asleep
At your feet

Teach me the night

To be born of a dream
And love
My death

At waking


Translated from Arabic by Norddine Zouitni