Poet and novelist Fatiha MORCHID participated in the World Poetry Festival in Canada, which was held from September 29 to October 8, 2023, in the City of Trois-Rivières

Poet and novelist Fatiha MORCHID participated in the World Poetry Festival in Canada, which was […]

Fatiha Morchid, returns to poetry, her first love, in her new collection “I have no more sadness.” Published at Cultural Book center, Beirut/ Casablanca 2023

Fatiha Morchid shatters the myth of the “American dream” in her new Novel “ The point of Decline”

The point of Decline is the title of Fatiha Morchid’s new novel, published by the […]

Publication of a critical book on the literary experience of Fatiha Morchid

 Approches Editions, 2020 published a book retracing the literary journey of the poet and novelist […]

Fatiha Morchid participated in the international poetry festival in China

Fatiha Morchid participated in the international poetry festival in China, organized by the University of […]

Fatiha Morchid participated in the International Poetry Festival held from 2019, March 28 to April 4 in South Africa

Fatiha Morchid participated in the International Poetry Festival held from 2019, March 28 to April […]